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Bioethanol stoves: opinions, consumption and characteristics

In recent years we have witnessed a growth in the sale of bioethanol stoves: this type of stove, in fact, is now becoming one of the most sought after furnishing and heating accessories by Italian buyers. Stoves powered by bioethanol do not need a flue and can be installed in any part of the apartment; There are different types of this stove on the market, from small to transportable ones, to fixed and large furnishing elements, and we remind you that this type of heating does not require any authorization for installation because it is not equipped with a flue.

How do bioethanol stoves work? Just follow this guide to discover how these stoves work and to know all their main features.

Bioethanol stove: characteristics and operation

Bioethanol stoves use bioethanol as fuel, which is a compound obtained from sugary substances of vegetal origin, in particular from corn, potatoes and sugar cane.

The operation of this stove is very simple: the heat is created by burning the bioethanol inserted in a special tank, the so-called burner, inside the structure of the stove; to adjust the flame, use the appropriate damper burner.

Characteristics of bioethanol stoves? Let's start by saying that we can define these stoves as a kind of closed fireplace, in which some porous stones are usually inserted; one of the main characteristics of these stoves is that they do not need flues, since bioethanol is a fuel with a very low release of monoxide and also does not release unpleasant odors in the home.

Bioethanol stoves can be installed on the floor, on the wall or even suspended from the ceiling, and some models can also be easily moved to the various rooms of your home.

Consumption bioethanol stoves

To establish how much a bioethanol stove consumes, it is necessary to first evaluate the power of the bioethanol stoves, since the more power increases, the more consumption increases.

However, when we talk about the consumption of bioethanol stoves, in addition to the power, we must evaluate the price of a liter of bioethanol, which in Italy is on the market at around 2 euros per litre, and the stove powered by bioethanol has approximately an autonomy of 3 hours per liter, talking about average power.

Bioethanol can be purchased online, from stove retailers and also in supermarkets in packs ranging from 1 to 50 litres.

Consumption also depends on how much bioethanol stoves heat: for small or medium environments, they are perfect to keep lit for a few hours and let the room heat up. Their good heating power is given by the chemical-physical characteristics of bioethanol and by the fact that this stove produces heat without heat loss from the chimney.

Bioethanol stoves: advantages and disadvantages

We note that opinions on bioethanol stoves are quite positive since it is an excellent heating solution for small or medium-sized rooms and is an ecological solution with a high aesthetic impact.

The absence of a flue and the non-emission of unpleasant odors means that bioethanol stoves can be placed in any part of the house.

Bioethanol stoves pros and cons

Now let's list the pros and cons, starting with the pros.


the ecological solution due to the use of bioethanol, in fact harmful carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by as much as 70% compared to those resulting from the use of classic fossil fuels, with consequent respect for the environment;

ease of installation, it is in fact a very simple operation which does not require any particular renovations or building works, as the flue is not necessary as this stove does not emit smoke or harmful substances;

concentration of heat, there is in fact no heat dispersion and for this reason bioethanol stoves heat small or medium-sized rooms perfectly;

no need for cleaning as this heating solution does not disperse ash or dust;

these stoves can be easily moved from one room to another in the house;

low installation costs and ease of installation;

they give the environment an excellent aesthetic impact, in fact these stoves have become a real furnishing completion.

Now we also see the disadvantages of stoves powered by bioethanol, which are also called biofireplaces.


these stoves are excellent for heating small and medium-sized rooms but not an entire apartment, especially if large;

the use of the stove produces a lot of humidity, in fact a significant quantity of water vapor is produced which derives from the combustion of bioethanol;

during use, and especially after, the room in which the stove is located must be ventilated;

bioethanol is in fact a particularly flammable fuel, so you need to take great care when lighting a stove with bioethanol;

the not very low cost of bioethanol, and it is not advisable to buy a type of bioethanol that is not exactly 100% ecological, because this would emit an unpleasant odor into the environment during the operation of the stove.

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