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Writer's pictureFokus di Ballarin Nicola

Thermo pellet fireplace: operation and consumption

The pellet fireplace is increasingly becoming a valid alternative to the traditional boiler for home heating.

The success of this product, which is requested by customers during new construction or renovation, is to be found above all in its energy efficiency which places it as one of the "greenest" solutions for heating the home environment. But the aesthetic impact that a pellet fireplace can now guarantee should not be underestimated, with models that integrate better and better into contexts with modern and non-modern furnishings.

Let's discover the main features of this product, learning about the operating and consumption specifications to find the most suitable one.

Operation pellet thermo fireplace

Various types of thermo fireplaces can be found on the market: we can have the water one for example, but it is undeniable that the most common is the pellet one which therefore uses a cleaner renewable energy source than classic heating methods.

The so-called pellet stove has a space for storing the burning material which feeds a combustion chamber protected by glass that resists temperatures reaching 800 degrees centigrade.

Thanks to this glass it is possible to radiate heat inside the room, but in any case all the heat produced by the stove is distributed via the connection with the heating system of the entire house.

How much does a pellet fireplace consume?

One of the characteristics that make this type of product preferable to traditional boilers is that of consumption. In fact, when we talk about a pellet stove the first thought goes directly towards the consumption rates that can be had for heating the entire house.

The thermo fireplaces can be used indifferently in combination with the existing heating system, but also in a totally autonomous way: in any case the amount of energy necessary to heat the environment will still be lower than traditional methods, this is because the stove conceived in this way it works through the combustion of wood chips and therefore does not require other energy sources to operate and produce heat.

Therefore, for those who use a pellet thermo fireplace there will be a significant saving on the bill, both for the consumption of electricity and for the gas that is not used for home heating.

By making an average estimate of the costs incurred for home heating, the cost reduction with wood compared to gas can be estimated at 60% and 40% when using pellets, i.e. wood treated specifically for combustion. .

It is also worth underlining how this advantage in saving household costs is also reflected in the overall energy efficiency of the building: in fact, properties with a pellet fireplace heating system are of a higher energy class and can also enjoy a best price on the real estate market.

It is therefore an investment which, although slightly more expensive in the initial phase (above all, the net cost of the machine is higher than that of an average boiler) brings significant advantages in the medium to long term.

Which pellet fireplace to choose

After having seen how a pellet thermo fireplace works and having investigated consumption and economic considerations, let's take a brief look at the models that can be chosen to find the most suitable one.

On the market you can find a series of different products for this type of heating, ranging from classic and hermetic pellet stoves to ducted thermo fireplaces, which can be connected to your existing system.

Based on your needs, you can then opt for other types of pellet stoves, such as fireplace ones which can take the place of the classic home hearth. Everything varies based on where you decide to place it and what space you need to heat. In this case, getting advice from an expert is the best and safest thing to avoid making a wrong choice.

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